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Streamlining Your Company

There aren't many things that make me mad, but when it comes to running a company, few things are more frustrating to me than lazy employees. A few months ago I started keeping closer tabs on my workers, and it became immediately clear that there were some team members that didn't care at all about things like productivity, saving money, and doing the right thing. I wanted to do something to correct the situation, so I started honing our processes, holding more team meetings, and perfecting the processes. This blog is all about streamlining your company and making things right.



Streamlining Your Company

4 Tips For Hiring Top Construction Workers

by Elmer Johnson

If you own a company that does construction projects, having a team of skilled construction workers is essential for your success. Forming your team of construction workers involves hiring the right people in the first place. Taking a little more time and making an effort to hire the best workers available can save you time and money in the long run. If your company plans to hire construction workers soon, use the following tips to make the best hiring choices:

Be Specific in Your Job Posting

Companies often recruit new employees by posting ads on job boards and classified sites, and the construction industry is no different. But carefully crafting your ad can help ensure that you get the best applicants possible. Take the time to create a comprehensive ad that clearly explains the expectations and job duties. If your company tends to work on specific types of construction projects, make that fact known. For example, if a lot of projects involve putting up drywall, you want to hire a person who is experienced and has the skills to complete the task.

Make Your Company Competitive

Companies that treat their employees well typically attract the best applicants. If you want to hire highly-skilled construction workers, it is in your best interest to ensure that your company is competitive and can match other top construction companies in the area. Paying good wages is one way to attract top talent, as well as offering great benefits and paid time off. While these measures require a financial investment, if you have the best construction workers your projects will be completed properly and your company will become known for its quality work, thus helping you land even more projects.

Background Check and References

Before officially hiring a new construction worker to join the team, it is always a good idea to run a background check and ask for references, preferably previous employers. If you ask for references, make sure that you actually contact them-- speaking to references can give you a very good idea of what type of employee an applicant may end up being.

Don't Stop Recruiting

Even when you feel like your company has the proper number of construction workers to complete the projects your company is contracted to do, it is always a good idea to have an ongoing recruiting process. You never know when one of your employees will leave the company, or when you may land a big new project. If you have applicants on file that you can contact, it will make it much easier to fill unexpected vacancies. 
