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Streamlining Your Company

There aren't many things that make me mad, but when it comes to running a company, few things are more frustrating to me than lazy employees. A few months ago I started keeping closer tabs on my workers, and it became immediately clear that there were some team members that didn't care at all about things like productivity, saving money, and doing the right thing. I wanted to do something to correct the situation, so I started honing our processes, holding more team meetings, and perfecting the processes. This blog is all about streamlining your company and making things right.



Streamlining Your Company

    4 Tips For Hiring Top Construction Workers

    If you own a company that does construction projects, having a team of skilled construction workers is essential for your success. Forming your team of construction workers involves hiring the right people in the first place. Taking a little more time and making an effort to hire the best workers available can save you time and money in the long run. If your company plans to hire construction workers soon, use the following tips to make the best hiring choices:

    Profits Flatlined? 3 Strategies To Increase The Profitability Of Your Business

    Whether your business is a start up or it has been established for years, there always comes a point where it seems as though things have gone stagnant. While it's tough to hear, flatlining profits typically come down to something that your business is not doing, and figuring out what that may be is the ticket to getting back on track with your goals. This quarter, consider these three strategies to jumpstart your businesses' profitability again.

    Tips to Help You Demo & Remove an Old Concrete Foundation Slab

    Removing a old concrete foundation slab from your property is often necessary when you no longer need the foundation and want to use the site for another purpose. With the use of heavy machinery and power equipment, the work can be made much easier. Here are tips to help you complete the demolition and removal of the old concrete slab with the right equipment. Demolition  Concrete foundations found under an old garage, shed, or other outside building can be several inches thick, depending on its required structural weight support.

    4 Tips for Caring for Commercial Grade Carpet in an Office

    If you manage an office space, you are sure to want to keep the carpets looking clean and fresh. However, caring for commercial carpeting can be much more challenging than caring for residential carpeting since commercial carpeting tends to see a lot more foot traffic. Use the following tips for keeping the carpet in your office looking great: Vacuum Frequently Commercial carpeting needs regular vacuuming to help remove dust and debris.

    3 Excellent Reasons To Have Your Home Inspected Before Selling It

    If you are planning on selling your home, then it is going to be a good idea to have your home inspected before you actually put it up for sale. This article is going to discuss 3 excellent reasons why you should do this.  Ensure That You Get What It Is Worth  When you are selling your home, it can sometimes be difficult to figure out exactly how much you should sell your home for.

    Four Things To Know When Using Promotional Products

    Promotional products are a common way to advertise a company's name, products, or services, and if you have never tried this marketing method, you should give it consideration. However, there are a few important things to know before you begin. Always have your business information on the product If you decide to offer a free gift with a certain purchase as a promotion, your promotional effort ends after the initial transaction.

    Starting Up An Art Print Business? 3 Things To Know About Building Your Brand

    The starving artist concept is gone now that painters and illustrators have new ways to market their talent online. Whether you are an artist yourself or have a knack for picking out talent, an art print business is a great startup that provides you with a way to increase your income while adding beauty to the world. It is important, however, to remember that your target audience has taste. This means that you will need to make sure that your brand represents only the highest quality in every aspect of your business plan.

    How a Predominant Use Study Benefits Your Business

    Currently about 30 states have regulations that benefit business owners by allowing them qualify for state and local utility tax exemption after conducting a predominant use study. Also known as a utility study, a predominant use study analyzes how much electric, gas and water your business uses. If you're considering hiring a licensed professional to conduct a predominant use study of your business, here's what you should know. What It Is